4H/FFA Rabbit

Superintendent: Eric Walters (573) 682-9927

Rabbit Show Rules

  • The rules listed in the General Rules section of the Boone County Fair website, in addition to the following rules, will apply to the Rabbit Show.
  • All rabbits (other than meat pen stock) must be under the daily care and supervision of the project member from April 13, 2025 to show day. Grand & Reserve Rabbit MEAT PENS MUST sell at livestock auction. Remaining meat pens earning a blue ribbon have the option to sell, but only ONE per exhibitor.
  • Rabbit meat pens must be the property of the exhibitor by July 1st of current show year.
  • Animal used for SHOWMANSHIP is the exhibitor’s choice.
  • All exhibitors must be members in good standing of a 4-H/FFA Rabbit project to be shown and entries must be submitted by registration deadline. No entries will be accepted after this date.
  • Each exhibitor is allowed unlimited breed substitutions. All substitutions must be made directly to the superintendent. No substitutions are allowed after 12:00 noon, July 1, 2025.
  • All animals must be entered, exhibited, handled and shown by the project member unless specific arrangements have been made with the respective small animal superintendent.
  • Exhibitors must provide their own water and food dishes and wire cages on the day of the show.
  • Rabbits will be judged by Breed and only shown in one class (pet or breed, not both). If there are five or more in a breed, then exhibitors will compete for a best of breed trophy. Less than five exhibitors will compete for a best of breed ribbon.
  • From all Best of Breed Rabbit, second reserve, first reserve & best in show will be selected.
  • Rabbits are not required to have ear tattoos.
  • All exhibited animals must be free of any visible signs of infection, contagious disease or parasites. Exhibitors may be asked to remove any project animal not in good health. Dismissal will be at the discretion of the superintendent or judge.
  • Rabbit meat pens must be meat breeds such as California, New Zealand, Champagne, Palomino, Florida White, Havana, etc. There must be 3 rabbits in a pen and all three rabbits must be the same breed. All meat rabbits should weigh 3 ½ to 5 ½ pounds each in weight, and no more than 10 weeks old. Exhibitors cannot enter more than two meat pens per exhibitor.

Rabbit Show Classes